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CRIMES OF THE CENTURY: ROBBERY Revue technique Haynes Anglais



Type d'annonce: Professionnel Offre

Ian Welch, Claire Welch Fame, notoriety, thrills and money are all part of the game. Using disguises and showing bravado, some used devious or meticulous means to steal what wasnåÕt rightfully theirs, while others simply walked in to a shop or bank with a loaded weapon and demanded what cash was available. From the most famous robberies including the Great Train Robbery of 1963 with a haul of å£2.6 million, the Baker Street robbery with an estimated å£3 million in 1971, to the BrinkåÕs-Mat robbery at Heathrow Airport in 1983, and the great financial frauds of the late 20th and early 21st centuries, Robbery gives a fascinating insight into the masterminds behind some of the greatest robberies ever committed.RTHH5174 - Revue Technique Haynes Anglais
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